The search engine for a better world
As an active user of Gexsi you are part of a community of like-minded people.
Together we take action to make the world a better place.
It’s easy as 1-2-3
You use Gexsi for your daily web search
The sponsored ads generate income for Gexsi
Gexsi uses the income to support social projects
Be inspired – Let us surprise you with amazing projects
Our world is full of inspiring social innovators, dedicated to make the world a better place. We regularly feature new impact projects that we support with the revenue generated from your search queries.
The 17 Global Goals
As an active user of the Gexsi search engine you are part of a community that makes the world a better place. With your search requests you generate revenues for social innovators who contribute to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We respect your privacy
Preventive Protection
By using Gexsi you reduce your digital footprint.
Secure regulatory framework
You benefit from the high data protection standards in Germany and Europe.
Your Data belongs to you!
We have no access to the search queries you have made.
We are a purpose driven social business

Charitable Framework
Gexsi is foundation-owned; 100% of the profits remain within a charitable context.

100% Transparency
We provide full transparency about our flow of funds and how we support projects.

Certified B Corporation
We form part of a global community of people using business as a force for good.

Climate Protection
We are using CO2-neutral web servers and support projects which fight climate change.
Unleashing the power of social entrepreneurship
Starting Point
The world today is no longer so easy to divide into a non-profit and a profit-oriented sector. More and more often people find ways to solve social challenges in an entrepreneurial way. Whether this is a café integrating refugees or a startup developing a smartphone app to help people reduce packaging waste. “Social entrepreneurs” can be found almost everywhere today.
The challenge
Foundations and other non-profits often are not in a position to support social enterprises for regulatory reasons. However, due to the lack of collateral and anticipated below-market financial rate of returns, banks and venture capitalists typically do not fund social enterprises either. Thus, many good ideas and social innovations fail before they gain momentum.
Our solution
We have legally anchored Gexsi in a way that we can use our revenues to support hybrid social enterprises. We are in a position to offer tailor-made support, including grants or soft loans or even funding for direct costs such as media or communication services. In addition, the growing reach of our online platform, as well as that of our media partners, help outstanding projects to gain visibility.
Want to learn more about us and our story?
How we generate money
We earn money through the ads displayed on the hit lists and, to a lesser extent, through affiliate marketing partnerships. Since we are a social business whose shares are wholly owned by the Good Impact Foundation, 100% of our profits remain within a non-profit framework.
Your Impact
With your support we all achieved the following impact so far
Status:1 September 2022
Our Partners
We start with a small group of media partners who are close to us.
We look forward to further cooperation partners.