Thank you for your support!
Did you know? Each click on a sponsored link currently generates an average of around 16 Euro cents through our partnership with the Bing advertising network. The exact amount varies depending on the search term and supply and demand. As our community of users grows, we generate an increasing amount of funds every month, which we use to support innovative social projects.
100% Impact – All revenues generated currently are used to support impact projects
We have already mobilised more than €25,000 for impact projects through Gexsi. 100% of the income generated by the search has flowed into the projects. Strictly speaking, even a little more, because we were able to win over impact angels like Weleda, who matched some funds. This way we could even further leverage your impact. So far, we have covered our administrative costs through external sources, so that no user-generated income has had to be used to finance our small team. Details can be found under Our Ethical Standards.
This is how we select the projects supported
We currently support about ten projects per year. Every 4-6 weeks we feature a new project, which we support financially and through our media work. You can see below how the selection process works:

1. Project-Pool
We are constantly looking for exceptional impact projects. We regularly screen about 100 social entrepreneurship networks, initiatives and programmes worldwide.

2. Pre-Selection
Based on our impact criteria, we make a pre-selection of projects that we put on our watch list. In doing so, we closely work together with partners from the impact community.

3. Gexsi Watch List
We check which projects are suitable for a campaign and exchange ideas with the impact community or engage stakeholders through competitions such as our Impact Challenges.

4. Featured Project
The final selection of projects is made with a view to a good balance of impact areas, partners and regions, the chance to make a difference and the quality of the project.
This is what we already could mobilize to support our project portfolio
Thanks to our growing community we can support projects step by step with a growing amount. The table shows how our project portfolio is developing:
Analysis of the Gexsi Impact Portfolio
Since the launch of Gexsi, we have supported a total of 35 projects. All projects contribute to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and stand out for their social innovation. Here we analyse the Gexsi impact portfolio in detail.
The data refers to the period from May 2018 to October 2021.
Did you know? – We support projects in your region!
We tend to support projects from regions where we have a particularly large number of users. For some pilot regions such as the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region (NRW) or Baden-Württemberg (BW) in Germany and Austria, we even track this connection precisely. Here, we work closely with the local impact community to select the projects we support..
The projects support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals across the globe
The world’s major challenges require a global action. This is reflected in our project portfolio: Two thirds of the projects we support bring about positive changes in Latin America, Africa, Asia or the Middle East. A good proportion of the projects supported to date have an origin in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, but work with partners all over the world.
Social innovators wanted!
Especially young teams and initiatives that develop bold, new and often unusual solutions lack support. We seek to fill this gap. For example, every fifth project we supported to date is a student-led social business which forms part of global Enactus university network. Well over half of the projects are social start-ups or newly founded non-profit initiatives. If we support larger or well-established organisations, it is in particular to highlight specific game-changing initiatives which are worth spreading.
Donations are often, but not always, the best ways to support a good cause
Projects which positively change the world, can take very different legal forms and are not bound to traditional non-profit organizations. We reflect this in the way we work. Often, a donation is the most straightforward way to support a project. But now and there, other ways are more powerful such as participating in a crowdfunding campaign or by covering costs to empower low-income groups to benefit from a solution. Our maxim: Engage with the project partners at eye level and jointly identify the best form of support.
Whether climate protection or social commitment – our projects always focus on people
Climate action, saving the oceans, improving the livelihoods of marginalized people, innovative educational concepts or strengthening human rights. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals that guide us do not differentiate between social or ecological goals. Because the two are almost always connected. Accordingly, the majority of the projects we support are “social” and “green” alike. Several of our projects have a strong social dimension. Pure CleanTech or environmental projects without a social component are not for us. If one is featured here and there, it is because we see the potential to adapt the business model to reach our to people in need. .
Many of the projects we support inspire to take action or reflect on one’s own lifestyle
We analyse all the projects we support with regard to their contribution to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Most projects cover four or five of the goals, in some cases even more. Even if it is not always possible to clearly assign all SDGs, some trends can be identified. For example, the circular economy or the reduction of inequalities play a prominent role in our portfolio. These are areas where we can often provide positive food for thought for one’s own actions. Nevertheless, it is important for us to show the entire range of the SDGs. After all, there is no impact area in which people are not investing new, inspiring solutions.

You do not know yet all projects that we supported through our community.
Here you can find them all at a glance: