Moufense – Malaria protection for all

Moufense – Malaria protection for all

As simple as it is ingenious: A 2-1 body lotion that repels mosquitoes and that everyone can afford.

Moufense is a social business founded by students of the University of Mannheim that is taking a new approach to fighting malaria effectively – initially in Togo, where the Kompeme Group is a strong distribution partner.

According to the WHO, every seventh person in Togo falls ill with malaria every year. Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, against which a large part of the population only protects itself inadequately, as the measures for this are too expensive and require a change in everyday habits. Moufense wants to change this.

The students have developed a 2-in-1 body lotion that repels mosquitoes as a positive side effect. The body lotion is produced and distributed locally through a social franchise model. Except for the anti-malaria active ingredient, only ingredients that can be sourced locally are used. This makes the lotion, despite its added benefits, comparable in price to other body care products that are offered and widely used almost everywhere in Togo.

Moufense is part of Enactus, the world’s largest network of students who develop social business models alongside their studies and put them directly into practice. The first idea for Moufense was developed in 2017, initially with the idea of a mosquito-repellent soap. Based on market research, the team then switched to the concept of the 2-in-1 body lotion, which is in greater demand and, with an effect of 4-6 hours, achieves a significantly higher degree of effectiveness and can cover the dangerous evening hours in particular.

Currently, the team is in the process of testing a first PIlot series on site, applying for the necessary approvals and setting up a first local production on site. By 2025 at the latest, the business model should be so stable and successful that the concept can be rolled out internationally.

Moufense’s contribution to the 17 Global Goals

Health and Well-being

Malaria protection for target groups that have not been reached so far

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Moufense is developing a social franchise system for the production and distribution of the lotion directly through small local businesses.

Reduced Inequalities

Protection against malaria is also made possible for poorer sections of the population

Sustainable Consumption and Production

Successive further development of the body lotion under sustainability aspects as part of the social business philosophy

Project Assessment

You can access the full project assessment here:


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