


The world’s first app against global hunger

There are 821 million undernourished people in the world today. That means one in nine people do not get enough food to lead an active and healthy life. In fact, hunger and malnutrition are the number one risk to health worldwide — greater than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. ShareTheMeal seeks to change this.

ShareTheMeal is a smartphone app designed to encourage people to share their meal with a hungry child – virtually, through a donation of US $ 0.50. The app was developed in 2013 by Sebastian Stricker in Berlin. To ensure maximum outreach, Sebastian handed over the young venture to the UN World Food Programme – an unusual step in the start-up world. With success: More than one million people now use ShareTheMeal and sponsor a meal every three seconds.

How can you change the world with just US $ 0.50 shows this video:


How ShareTheMeal contributes to the 17 Global Goals

Zero Hunger

Emergency relief against hunger as primary goal

Good health and well-being

Prevention of malnutrition and its negative health implications for children

Partnerships for the goals

Activation of new target groups for the Global Goals

Peace, justice, and strong institutions

Avoiding conflicts, strengthening UN institutions (World Food Programme)

Responsible consumption and production

Mindful use of food, in the North as well as in the global South

Reduced inequalities

Raising awareness of inequalities in the world

No poverty

Combating poverty, even though not its causes

Project Assessment

You can access the full project assessment here:


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